Чтобы не случилось,всё будет хорошо! Всё отлично,живи,не упускай своей мечты! Расправь свои крылья И сияй на весь мир


The party led by Russian President Medvedev and Prime Minister
Putin is pushing discriminatory legislation against lesbian, bi, gay and
trans people that could eliminate their freedom to speak publicly and

Russia is a signatory to numerous international human rights treaties -
including the European Convention on Human Rights. We call on you to
urgently speak out and hold Russia accountable to its treaty obligations
- and stand with LGBT Russians whose ability to speak for themselves is
under attack.

Россия: законопроект о тишине миллионов

Political leaders in St. Petersburg are about to vote on law that will
make it illegal for any person to write a book, publish an article or
speak in public about being gay, lesbian or transgender. The ruling
party led by President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin could make
millions of people invisible with the stroke of a pen.

Human rights defenders around the country are doing everything they can
to stop it. They are risking their freedom to organize flashmobs and
protests, but they are afraid that it won't be enough.

Right now, the world needs to speak up and tell Russian authorities to
drop the bill. Join this call to leaders around the world to reach out
to their counterparts in the Russian government - and ask them to reject
this discriminatory and anti-democratic law.

написано тут


теперь мы идет на выборы и ставим галочки/плюсики везде и портим бланк,
чтобы за нас никто не смел проголосовать!

это уже массовый флешмоб ХДДДДДДДДДД присоединяйте, далой Партию, возглавляемую Президентом России Медведевым и Премьер-Министр
Путин толкает дискриминационного законодательства в отношении лесбиянок,
би, гей и транс людей, которые могли бы устранить их свободно
высказывать публично.